Saturday, January 17, 2009

Family visit

Having spent my entire childhood with my extended family (on Dad's side) spread out all over the South, I always get excited when the opportunity to visit with family presents itself.

My Grandma Williams, who was just here a couple of weekends ago, came back up with my Aunt June (Daddy's sister) and Uncle Courtney last night. Danny came up this weekend at the last minute, as well, on account of some pitiful begging on my part, and my dad's cousin Don, his wife, Wanda, and Don's father, my great-uncle Freddie, came from Nashville today.

Dad is not feeling well, as he did not sleep well at all last night, but it was good to see him get to visit with everyone today.

This is Uncle Courtney (left) and Uncle Freddie.

This is Grandma Williams.

Here is a shot of Wanda with my little Kate. Kate really enjoyed Wanda!

One of Daddy with Wanda (holding Kate) and Don. Wanda is reading a printout of the article that Richard Simms wrote about Dad for the Chattanoogan.

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