Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday morning update

Things are so bad, and yet I can still find so many things for which to be thankful in the midst of all this. Dad fell twice last night, and both times we had to call Tim from across the street to come help get him up. Tim and Sherry have been amazing, steadfast friends through this. You would honestly think that they were dealing with one of their own parents, the way they have stood by our side and done everything possible to help us. They have cried with us, prayed for us, cooked for us, taken care of things around the house, and done anything they can think of to make things easier for us. They have offered their spare bedroom to visiting family members from out of town, and given up a Saturday morning to rip carpet out of the basement. No one ever had better friends or neighbors. They are truly a blessing.

I have been married to my husband for almost nine years, and of course I have always known him to be an amazing man. He is more than I could ever deserve, and I've always known this. But through this, he has proven himself again and again to be the best husband and father that a woman could ask for. In addition to caring nonstop for our children whenever I need to be with my parents or my grandmother, he is using his position as a pharmacy IT director to help us. The pharmacists are practically at our beck and call, which is just such a blessing. Any time we have a question about a medication, it is immediately answered. Any time Hospice calls a medication for my father in, they move it to the front of line to be filled and delivered. One of the pharmacists has told Mark that if we need anything, day or night, to call.

My mother's best friend, Teresa, is going to come sit with Mom to relieve her and allow her to sleep some. This is a woman who gives and gives and gives and gives some more. My mom is so blessed to have her as a friend.

My beautiful, precious, generous mother-in-law has cooked, sat with my grandmother, and now she is going to send the lady that cleans her house over to my parents' house tomorrow to do some cleaning. How lucky am I to have such good, kind, generous people in my life?

So yes, things are bad. Dad is essentially unable to stand on his own anymore. He falls more and more and Mom has had to more or less confine him to his hospital bed, which has been its own battle because he is sick of just lying there in it. But over and over, I realize how good God is, that He has surrounded us with such wonderful people. To all of you who are reading this, whether you are near or far, please know that we couldn't do this without you. Your prayers, food, words of kindness, and general support mean the world to us. Please continue to lift my mom and dad up in your daily prayers.

1 comment:

LoriGrauso said...

How very wonderful of everyone that you mentioned!! Yes, you are truly blessed to have each one.

Please tell them thank you from us too. I so want to call Debbie each day, but am afraid to wake her so we are very thankful for your blogs that keep us posted. Please tell Debbie to call when she can.

Aunt Loretta