Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve at Laura's

We had our annual Christmas Eve chili supper at Laura's as usual, and after spending the morning at the hospital getting an IV of medication to ease his nausea, Dad felt well enough to attend, which thrilled us all. The bad news? His hair began to fall out on Christmas Eve morning, so we had to prepare ourselves for that. It wasn't as bad as we all feared (Mom made it sound very, very bad on the phone!), but you could definitely tell it was getting patchy. He wore one of his new "chemosabe" shirts that I had made for him. Here is a picture of him in his shirt and with less hair than he normally has!

He enjoyed watching the grandkids play. Here he is with Luke on his lap. Luke has just been learning to clap, so Dad was encouraging him.

Laura gave Mom and Dad an ornament that states, "Believe." Here's a picture of them after opening it.

We tried REALLY hard to get a shot of Mom and Dad with the grandkids, but, well....not everyone (KATE!) was cooperating. This was as good as it got, unfortunately. Still, they're all there, so that's something, right? I will post more later, but I wanted to get these few pictures posted for now. Merry Christmas!

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